
May 2017 Best-Sellers List

The CBA Best-Seller and category top-seller lists are compiled from actual sales in Christian stores as reported through CROSS:SCAN, powered by parableCONNECT. All rights reserved. In order that our retail members may better utilize the Best Sellers Lists, CBA is now providing ISBNs/UPCs on all of the lists, with the exception of Bible lists.

Top 50 Products (all products by sales ranking)

Top 50 Books

Books (book titles by sales ranking)

Christian Living


Children’s Books and Young Adult

Music/Video/Audio Book (titles by sales ranking)

Music, Video, and Audio Books

Bibles (categories by sales rankings)

Biblical Studies/ Theology/ Ministry

Children’s Bibles

Study Bibles/ Speciality Bibles

Bibles and Devotionals

Category: Christian MARKET

Tags: Best-sellers